
Florida’s Crime Clock

In Florida, extensive statistics are kept by law enforcement. In theory, those statistics are used to measure performance, effectiveness and for the deployment of resources. In addition, crime statistics can be informative for political purposes. But it is always a good idea to look at any statistical analysis with a cautious eye. One must always consider what is being measured and, especially, what is not being measured. With that in mind, we look at Florida’s Crime Clock as promulgated by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

In the most recent version of the Crime Clock, the year 2016 is examined. Again, with a grain of salt, the results are interesting and informative. Crime clearly remains a serious problem here in Florida. Here are some of the results:

  • There is an aggravated assault committed every 9 minutes in Florida
  • Every twelve minutes a motor vehicle is stolen in Florida
  • In Florida, a larceny takes place every minute
  • There is a robbery every 26 minutes in Florida
  • A murder is committed in Florida every 7 hours and 54 minutes
  • In Florida, every one hour and nine minutes a forcible rape is committed
  • Violent crime occurs in Florida every 5 minutes and 56 seconds

Does this mean that all these crimes happened today? No, not necessarily. But the actual numbers of crimes both statewide and by individual county does in fact show us that serious crimes do happen in Florida and on a more frequent basis then most of us are willing to admit.  Consider the following actual crimes in Florida for the same year of 2016:

  • 1108 murders
  • 7583 rapes
  • 20,132 robberies
  • 59,768 aggravated assaults
  • 88,501 violent crimes

All these crimes left victims and survivors. Those affected by crimes is not limited to the actual victims. Like most personal injury cases, crimes against persons creates what our Florida crime victim lawyers call a “ripple effect”. That crime can affect family members, friends, co-workers and colleagues. Will all of those affected by the actions of the criminal find closure and justice in the criminal justice system? Sadly, the answer is usually answered in the negative. In addition, the criminals almost universally fail to have the funds or even the desire to pay the full measure of damages to their victims. That reality often inflicts a second injury to the victims and their loved ones leaving them to wonder what, if any, options remain. Sometimes the answer is there – but it is not immediately clear.

Third Party Liability to Florida Crime Victims

The question is how many of these crimes were foreseeable and otherwise preventable? Especially by third parties such as property owners, managers and corporations. How does one figure out if there is a third party liable for their damages? Most likely that will involve a crime victim compensation attorney who will work with skilled investigators and experts to help you decide what third party might be responsible and therefore liable for your damages.

Here are a few areas of inquiry that your Florida crime victim compensation attorney might investigate may include:

  • Background checks of employees, tenants or others under their control;
  • Lighting at the crime scene;
  • Security plans – was one done, and if so, was it followed;
  • Crime grid statistics for the area;
  • Surveillance cameras;
  • Training of employees and contractors;
  • Adequate security measures;
  • Deterrence measures employed;
  • Prior knowledge of actions or propensities of criminal

Each crime victim compensation case is unique and will dictate the direction of the investigation. You will want to find and speak with the best Florida crime victim compensation lawyer you can identify. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to make sure you do everything in your power to hold all responsible parties accountable. You are also performing a community service when your actions result in changes so that others never end up being victims under the same circumstances as you.

At Wolfson & Leon, our Florida crime victim lawyers have helped injured victims and the survivors of wrongful death victims since 1963. We offer free consultations and never charge you a fee unless we make a financial recovery for you. Call us today at (305) 285-1115 and let us help you.

Our main office is in Miami and we are available by appointment at our offices in Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach. In addition, we are provide full personal injury legal representation throughout Florida including Fort Myers, Lee County, Cape Coral, Naples, Collier County, Sarasota, Tampa, Orlando, Gainesville, Jacksonville, Tallahassee and the Florida Keys.

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