
Whole Foods Market Injury Accident Attorney

You don’t expect to get hurt shopping for groceries. But grocery store accidents are more common than you may think. Slippery floors, falling displays, or poorly kept parking lots may lead to injury. When you are seriously hurt while shopping at a Whole Foods Market, you should speak with a best grocery store accident attorney as soon as possible. At Wolfson & Leon, our grocery store accident lawyers defend the rights of people gravely injured while shopping at Whole Foods or any other grocery store. We fight to recover the damages our clients desperately need to cover such expenses as medical care, hospital stays, and continuing treatment. We help Whole Foods Market accident victims get the damages they are entitled to when they have been hurt. Find out how the grocery store injury accident attorneys at Wolfson & Leon may be able to help you by calling 305-285-1115 or 239-777-9954 today.

Why Call a Whole Foods Market Injury Accident Lawyer?

Whole Foods Market first opened in Austin, Texas, in 1980. Since there were fewer than six natural food supermarkets in the country at the time, Whole Foods Market became an immediate success. In 1984, Whole Foods opened stores in Houston and Dallas. The company began acquiring natural food store chains throughout the country. Today, Whole Foods Market has over 500 stores in the United States. You can find Whole Foods Market stores throughout Florida, including such cities as Fort Lauderdale, North Miami, Tampa, and Palm Beach Gardens.

Shoppers can get hurt at Whole Foods stores. Floors wet from spilled liquids or have just been mopped may cause someone to slip and fall. Shoppers may trip and fall over carts, boxes, or other packaging materials left out when employees stock the shelves. Displays or hanging signs that aren’t correctly secured may fall and strike a shopper below. Even parking lots pose risks as shoppers may slip and fall or could be hit by a car when walking through the lot.


Injuries sustained at Whole Foods Market may result in nothing more than minor cuts and bruises. However, a shopper may be seriously hurt if they hit their head on the floor or a shelf when falling. Broken bones, torn ligaments, and muscle strains are common injuries when a shopper slips or trips and falls. Head, neck, or back injuries may result if you have been hit by a falling display, sign, or merchandise.

Why Call a Whole Foods Market Injury Accident Lawyer?

Large stores, like Whole Foods Market, may try to limit what they pay out in damages to injured victims by offering a quick settlement. Settling fast may sound like a great idea when you have been badly hurt, and the medical bills start piling up. But when many accident victims don’t realize that their injuries and recovery time may be more extensive than they think. When you settle early, you may find that you don’t have enough money to pay for your medical care or replace lost wages. And when your injuries turn out to be more severe than your doctor anticipated, you may be unable to pay for future medical treatment or in-home care.

A best Whole Foods Market accident lawyer can help protect your rights. They review your case for its legal merit. They can explain available legal options and the damages you may be entitled to recover. So, it is critical to find out what rights to compensation you may have when you have been badly hurt at Whole Foods Market.

At Wolfson & Leon, our team of grocery store accident attorneys takes the time to talk to you when you have been badly hurt. We consider the circumstances around your accident and share what legal action may be available to you. Should you have a case that you want to pursue, we take on the phone calls, paperwork, and negotiations, so you don’t have to. Contact the Whole Foods Market accident lawyers today at Wolfson & Leon to learn more. Call today and you can speak with your own:

  • Fort Lauderdale Whole Foods Accident Lawyer
  • Miami Whole Foods Market Injury Attorney
  • Fort Myers Whole Foods Accident Lawyer
  • Tampa Whole Foods Injury Attorney
  • Sarasota Whole Foods Market Accident Lawyers
  • Orlando Whole Foods Injury Lawyers
  • West Palm Beach Whole Foods Accident Attorneys

Whole Foods Market Injury Accident Law Firm

A severe injury can change the course of your life. Even after an extensive recovery period, your injuries may permanently affect your ability to get around and earn a living. Not only can a severe injury result in excruciating pain and suffering, but it can affect your family’s finances.

When your family is severely impacted by a Whole Foods accident, you should take steps to protect your rights. Talk with a grocery store accident lawyer at Wolfson & Leon to find out what legal remedies may be available to you. We encourage you to call us for a complimentary consultation today. You can tell us about your accident, ask questions, or learn more about legal options that may be available.

Protect your rights today by calling Wolfson & Leon at 305-285-1115 or 239-777-9954.



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