The 12 Most Frequent Triggers of Automobile Accidents

Enduring a car accident can be a nerve-racking experience, and the repercussions of such an event can further augment the stress. Consequences ranging from bodily harm to property loss, medical expenses to missed salaries, the aftermath of an automobile accident might present you with more than what you had initially anticipated.

While not all car accidents can be averted, a significant number can. There are a few reasons for car accidents that are more prevalent than others. In this piece, you will find a compilation of the primary triggers of car accidents. Understanding these reasons could potentially help you prevent involvement in your own vehicular collision.

  1. Distracted Driving Unquestionably, distracted driving sits at the top of the list of car accident causes. A distracted driver is not completely focused on the roadway and may be more engaged with their mobile device, fellow passengers, or even food. Bear in mind that your sole responsibility while driving is to safely reach your destination. Many seasoned drivers fall prey to the illusion of efficient multitasking. Do not succumb to this false belief.
  2. Speeding Most of us have experienced drivers zooming past us on freeways, even when we ourselves are exceeding the speed limit. It’s not uncommon for individuals to drive at speeds of 10, 15, or even 20 miles over the set speed limit. Be aware that higher speed reduces your reaction time. If you try to avert an accident while driving significantly above the speed limit, the probability of success diminishes drastically.
  3. Drunk Driving Any individual who consumes alcohol and then takes the wheel poses a risk to themselves and others. Alcohol consumption impairs your senses and cognitive abilities; hence, when you drive, your reaction times are slowed, and your decision-making skills are compromised. Always ensure a sober individual is available to drive you home if you choose to drink.
  4. Reckless Driving Actions like sporadic lane changes, tailgating, and cutting off other drivers are all examples of reckless driving, each with a high potential to cause a severe accident. If you encounter such a driver, maintain a safe distance and provide them with ample space. Reckless drivers can often be seen speeding while maneuvering through traffic, so be alert while driving and executing your maneuvers. You cannot influence their driving style. Focus on protecting yourself and report such drivers.
  5. Inclement Weather Whether it’s heavy rainfall or snow, harsh weather can generate hazardous driving conditions. Water creates slippery roads and can cause vehicles to lose traction unexpectedly. If you find yourself caught in a rainstorm, exercise extra caution. Even if you think your tires have proper grip, chances are they might not. Don’t gamble with your safety. With snowy and cold weather, icy roads can lead to vehicle sliding when braking abruptly.
  6. Ignoring Traffic Rules at Intersections Neglecting red lights and stop signs is another major cause of car accidents. Red means halt, it’s not merely a suggestion. When the traffic light turns yellow, decelerate rather than accelerating to beat it. Avoid the temptation to ignore stop signs, particularly those close to your residence. Always come to a complete halt. The additional few seconds you save aren’t worth the risk.
  7. Teenage Drivers Teenage drivers pose a risk due to their lack of driving experience. New driving scenarios can catch a teenager off-guard, leading to car accidents. If you spot a young driver, stay behind them and give them room. Teenagers can also be easily distracted, particularly when they have mobile devices or friends in the vehicle.
  8. Nighttime Driving Many people are unaware that driving at night nearly doubles the risk of an accident. With reduced visibility, it becomes more difficult to spot hazards on the road. As darkness sets in, heightened alertness is essential. Night driving also poses a risk of driver fatigue, which can result in drifting out of lanes.
  9. Design Defects If you recall, the Geo Tracker vehicle, a small SUV, made news due to its tendency to roll over during sharp turns without proper caution. It’s not the only one. Numerous manufacturers have produced vehicles with design flaws that make them accident-prone.
  10. Unsafe Lane Changes Almost everyone has been cut off by another driver. When overtaking, ensure you have ample room to safely merge back into your lane. If there isn’t sufficient space for a safe pass, simply don’t. Pay close attention to your surroundings before changing lanes. Always use your indicator when changing lanes to signal your intentions to other drivers.
  11. Wrong-Way Driving – Mistakenly turning down a one-way road, particularly in unfamiliar areas, is easier than you might think. Always be attentive to signs indicating one-way streets. Before using highway ramps, be sure you’re aware of the correct direction. Wrong-way drivers pose a significant risk, as most people aren’t anticipating them and often react too late.
  12. Incorrect Turns When nearing an intersection, ensure you’re in the correct lane for your intended direction. If you find yourself in the wrong lane, simply continue straight. There’s always the option to go around the block or turn around in a driveway or public parking lot. These options are safer than abruptly switching lanes.

It’s also important to be mindful of other drivers on the road. In addition to making sure everyone is as safe as possible, there are other ways to reduce the risk of getting into an accident. For example, having your vehicle routinely inspected and maintaining your car can help prevent mechanical problems that can lead to accidents. Therefore, it’s wise to invest in regular maintenance and upkeep; you’ll know that your car is in top condition and running safely every time you get behind the wheel.

Always practice defensive driving by maintaining a safe distance from other vehicles and always being aware of what is going on around you. Many accidents can be prevented by maintaining focus and making responsible decisions. There’s a myriad of reasons accidents happen and, indeed, some are unpredictable. Actions such as drunk driving, reckless driving, and speeding are solely the driver’s responsibility.

What Do You Do If You Have a Car Accident Today

By following these safety tips, you can significantly reduce your chances of getting into a car accident. However, if you do find yourself in an accident, it’s important to contact an experienced personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. An attorney can help review the situation and determine whether or not you may be eligible for compensation due to negligence on behalf of another party. Don’t hesitate to contact a lawyer if you’ve been injured in an accident – they can help protect your rights and ensure that you receive the proper legal representation. If you or a loved one is injured by someone else’s mistake, contact an experienced Miami personal injury lawyer to discuss your case. An attorney can help assess the situation and determine whether you’re eligible for compensation. Remember that drivers are responsible for their own actions, so it’s important that everyone takes additional steps to stay safe on the road.

If you’ve been involved in an accident, it’s crucial to have a skilled personal injury attorney fighting for any compensation you might be legally entitled to. Contact Wolfson & Leon at 305-285-1115 today for a free case evaluation. We understand the immense stress you’re under and aim to do everything within our power to assist you during this challenging time. Call now or visit our website for more information about our firm. Our car accident attorneys are ready to help you!

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