
Articles Posted in Lawsuit & Litigation


Slip & Fall in Water – Summary Judgment Reversed as Affidavit did not Baldly Repudiate Prior Testimony

On February 20, 2020, the Third District Court of Appeals reversed the grant of summary judgment in a Miami slip and fall case. In Williams v. Ryta Food Corp., 3rd District Case No. 3D19-0126, the Third District reversed Judge Abby Cynamon’s ruling in the 11th Circuit. At the trial court…


The Truth About Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries or TBIs are a serious issue in the United States. Over 1.5 million cases of TBI occur in the country every year. There are currently approximately 5.3 million people living with disabilities related to TBI. Sadly, each year approximately 155 people die from TBI-related injuries. At Wolfson…


Diagnosing Traumatic Brain Injuries with Diffusion Tensor Imaging

Much is happening the world of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). More and more studies are showing that what we used to know about TBIs is completely false. The traumatic brain injury attorneys at Wolfson & Leon are paying close attention to this breaking information. What is a TBI? Traumatic Brain…


Marsy’s Law – Florida Crime Victims’ Rights

Being a crime victim or someone close to a deceased crime victim is a difficult and life – changing experience. The world doesn’t look the same anymore. Suffering attack on your life, personal freedom, sexual freedom, safety, property, or anything else, means that the trust in others you once had…


Panic Buttons for Miami Beach Hotel Workers?

Miami Beach could be the next town to promote usage of handheld panic buttons for hotel workers. Following the example of other cities, including Chicago and Seattle, hotel workers could be provided with an alarm for protection against sexual harassment and assaults. The proposal aims to introduce a portable panic…

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